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Parking is available in the Travelers Garage. Entrance is next to the Club on Prospect St. Note that Height of THE Garage is 6” 5”.

Pull up to the gate and press the button to announce that you are coming to the Club.

After parking, head for the door across from the garage entrance (that you entered through), go up the flight of stairs and follow walk-way to main entrance of the building on Prospect Street.

If you use the elevator on the Hartford Club level you would proceed up 1st floor (PL) and walk across the courtyard to the main entrance of the building.

When exiting, please exit to the left of the main entrance closest to the gate and walk down the stairs. At base of stairs press the “RED Button” to call again to gain access to the garage by stating the group name again or exit through the elevator to the floor you parked on. Or second porticoes, Travelers building and “Buzz” in to get to the garage and floor you are on.